
Available Unclassified Publications:

L.P. Allen, P.J. Flint, G.Meschew, G. Dallas, D. Bakken, G. J. Brown, A. Khoshakhlagh, C. J. Hill, "100mm diameter GaSb substrates with extended IR wavelength for advanced space-based applications", Proc. of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVII, (25-29 April 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA), paper 8012-124.

P. Flint, L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, D.Bakken, K. Blanchat, S.R. Vangala, W.D.Goodhue, D. Bliss, H. Dauplais, "CMP Process Comparison for 150mm larger area InSb (111)B focal plane array substrates", SPIE Europe's International Symposium on Security & Defence, Vol. 7487 "Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology", (31 August - 3 September 2009, Berlin, Germany), Paper Number: 7487-11.

L.P. Allen, P. Flint, G. Dallas, D. Bakken, K. Blanchat, G. J. Brown, S.R. Vangala, W.D.Goodhue, and K. Krishnaswami, "GaSb substrates with extended IR wavelength for advanced space based applications", 2009 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference, (13-17 April 2009), Infrared Technology and Applications XXXV, paper 7298-136.

K. Krishnaswami, S. Vangala, H. Dauplais, L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, D. Bakken, W. Goodhue, "Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Gas Cluster Ion Beam Prepared GaSb Substrates: Towards Improved Surfaces and Interfaces", J. Crystal Growth, Vol. 310, p. 1619-1626, 2008.

S.R. Vangala, H. Dauplaise, L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, C. Santeufemio, C. Lynch, K. Vaccaro, D.Bliss, and W.D. Goodhue, "Atomic hydrogen cleaning of epi-ready InSb(100), InSb(111)B, and GCIB processed InSb(111)B surfaces", 2007 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, (May 14-17, 2007 Austin, TX).

L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, K. Blanchet, S.R. Vangala, C. Santeufemio, W.D. Goodhue, E. Roehl, C.E. Jones, J. Barton, B. Zide, V. Difilippo, and K.S.Jones, "Successful MWIR FPA fabrication using gas cluster ion beam InSb surface finishing", Proc. of the 2007 SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, (April 2007, Orlando), IR Sensors and Engineering, paper 6542-131.

S.R. Vangala, X. Qian, M. Grzesik, C. Santeufemio, L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, H. Daupliase, K. Vaccaro, S.Q. Wan3, D. Bliss, and W.D. Goodhue, "MBE growth and morphological studies of homoepitaxial layers on CMP processed InSb(100) and InSb(111)B substrates", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 24(3), May/Jun 2006 1634-1638 and North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference 2005 (NAMBE), Sept. 11-14, 2005, San Diego, CA.

S.R. Vangala, L.P. Allen, Vincent DiFilippo, C. Santeufemio, Jin Li, Xifeng Qian, Yumi Park, B. Zhu, K. Krishnaswami, G. Dallas, D. Bliss, H. Dauplaise, K.S. Jones, W.D Goodhue, "HBr-Based Gas Cluster Ion Beam Smoothing for the Production of MBE Epi-Ready GaSb Wafers", Proc. 2005 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (GaAs Mantech), April 11-19, 2005 New Orleans, Louisiana. Paper No 14.24, p. 335.

K. Krishnaswami, D.B. Fenner, S.R. Vangala, C. Santeufemio, M. Grzesik, L.P. Allen, G. Dallas, W.D. Goodhue, "Roughness Analysis of Epi Surfaces Grown on Ion-Beam Processed GaSb Substrates", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. Vol. 829, Session B, paper 6.3, 2005

K. Krishnaswami, S.R. Vangala, B. Zhu, W.D. Goodhue, L.P. Allen, C.Santeufemio, X. Liu, C. Ospina, J. Whitten, C. Sung, H. Dauplaise, D. Bliss, G. Dallas, D. Bakken, K.S. Jones, "Epitaxial growth on gas cluster ion beam processed GaSb substrates using molecular beam epitaxy", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22(3), May/June 2004, pp 1455-1459.

K. Krishnaswami, S. R.Vangala, B. Krejca, L.P. Allen, C. Santeufemio, H. Dauplaise, X. Liu, J. Whitten, M. Ospina, C. Sung, D. Bliss, and W.D. Goodhue, "Gas Cluster Ion Beam Processing of GaSb and InSb Surfaces", Mat. Res. Symp. R, Proc. Vol. 786, R10.7, 2004.

K. Krishnaswami, B. Krejca, S. Vangala, M.C. Ospina, C. Sung, L.P. Allen, C. Santeufemio, D. Bliss, and W.D Goodhue, "Determination of nano fluctuations in surface oxides of GaSb with Br-IBAE", Mat. Res. Symp., Vol. 786, 329-334 (2004)

K. Krishnaswami, W. Goodhue, L. Allen, C. Santeufemio, X. Liu, M. Osipina, B. Zhu, C. Sung, H. Dauplaise, D. Bliss, and K. Jones, "Epitaxial Growth on Gas Cluster Ion Beam Processed GaSb Substrates Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Proc. of the North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE) Conference (Colorado, November 2003).

X. Li, W.D. Goodhue, C. Santeufemio, T.G. Tetreault, R. MacCrimmon, L.P. Allenm D. Bliss, K. Krishnaswami, C. Sung, "Gas Cluster Ion Beam Processing of GaSb Wafers", Applied Surface Science, Vol 18 (1) 30 September 2003, pp 251-258.

I. Yamada, N. Toyoda, J. Matsuo, L.P. Allen, "Cluster Ion Beam Process Technology", Proc. of the Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting, (April 2003), #ECS2003_887

L.P. Allen, T.G. Tetreault, C. Santeufemio, M. Tabat, X. Li, W. Goodhue, C. Sung, D. Bliss, K.S. Jones, "Gas Cluster Ion Beam Smoothing of CMP GaSb(100) Substrates", International Conference on Alternative Substrate Technology, (September 14-17, 2002, Cancun, Mexico) p. 34. and Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 32, No. 8, 2003, p 842.

X. Li, B. Kang, M.C. Ospina, X. Liu, W. Goodhue, T.G. Tetreault, L.P. Allen, D. Bliss, and C. Sung, "Nanoscale Modification of the Surface Oxide of GaSb Substrates for Device Applications", 2002 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Symposium I: Nanomaterials for Structural Applications, in print.

X. Li, L.P. Allen, C. Santeufemio, W. Goodhue, and C. Sung, "Nanocharacterization of GaSb Substrate Surface by TEM/AFM", Microsc. Microanal. 8 (Suppl. 2), 2002, 1258CD.

X. Li, C. Santeufemio, T. Tetreault, L.P. Allen, R. MacCrimmon, W. Goodhue and C. Sung, "Surface Modification of Gallium Antimonide by Gas Cluster Ion Beam Processes", New England Society for Microscopy, Nineteenth Annual Spring Symposium, Session II: Materials Sciences, Marine Biological laboratories, Woods Hole, MA, May 10-11, 2002. Second Prize Conference Paper.